May 21, 2008

Motorola W270 / W230 Explained

People seem to have a hard time figuring out how to add music to their W270 phone - its not that tough.Also, this phone does not have that many bugs/issues as one might think when initially using it. For those switching over from Nokia to Motorola, one has to learn some new ways to do the tasks.

Q. I cant find the driver for Motorola W270, Not able to add music to W270.
A. A driver is not really required if all you want to do is add mp3 music files & pics.
Open the flap & connect the cable to PC. To the question on mobile screen 'Connect as storage device?' click yes. Now the phone will be connected in storage mode & will show up in windows explorer as a removable drive - just like any other usb flash drive. Mp3 files can be added to the Music folder in the phone drive & pics to the Photos folder. After you are done use 'safely remove hardware'. This should work for W230 too.

Q. I am able to play only one song even with shuffle & 'auto repeat all' selected. How to continuously play all songs in play list.
A. If a song is selected directly only that song is played. If all songs in a play list are to be played, hit play on Music Library -> All songs

Q. How to silence the phone when the phone rings for incoming call without cutting the call?
A. This ones a little tricky. Press Up/down button on phone's side to silence the mobile.

In addition to volume adjustment,upon pressing continuously the side buttons can perform the additional function of jumping to Previous/Next song.

Q. Where is 'Reminder' / Is there 'Reminder' function at all!?
A. Yes it is there - neatly hidden! Extras -> Calendar -> Select date -> New -> Title

Q. Isn't there missed calls view?
A. Missed & received calls are both shown combined in the received calls view - the received calls marked by the adjacent tick mark & the missed calls by the absence of the tick.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey cud u plz tel me wats the default secutry code for motorola w230 ??coz i want to reset ma cell

reply at or send me and IM

June 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's 000000 (zero)

September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tnx for your helpful tips

September 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..a .. the volume of w270 is low, even in max volume.. do you know how to mod this?????.. a mod or some kind of flash would be greatly appreciated... thank you

March 05, 2009  
Blogger in2mind said...

I find the volume in my phone to be ok at max. May be you could try with some other music file.

March 09, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My W230 isnt taking the songs nor pictures what to do??? I tried EVERYTHING!!!! Please help!!

December 27, 2009  

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